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In Game Images

Use the arrows to slip n' slide your way through the screenshots of my upcoming RPG, "How I Learned

to Stop Worrying and Enjoy The End of The World".

They will have to do until I am able to take video.

There is also a downloadable demo for the game.

Just click on the Demo button at the top.


Sorry, some of the pics might be out of order because the top inch was cut off by Wix's editor. The ones related to the battle scenes are in order. As you can see, enemies display damage as you hurt them. I recently implemented the idea to make battles more interesting and to cue players as to when it is a good time to finish off an opponent with melee attacks to conserve ammo. The first image is a demon summoned by one of the members of the evil,

"Brotherhood", who control the game's world from

behind the shadows. The other large "creature", is

a monstrosity that another "Brotherhood" member

transforms into once he remembers that he can actually transform. If you can name that part of the body, go right ahead. This game is filled with such sick references. Don't tell your Grandma about it.

Also, don't tell the guy with the secret handshake.


The other images are there to showcase some of the game's dark humor. As stated before, they might be out of order. So if the humor doesn't make sense, maybe try reading the imagest in a different order? Much like popular adult cartoons, my game makes fun of everyone and everything, including the main characters. No one is safe from my sense of humor. My philosophy is, that we are *all* a cavalcade of fuck-ups. No one is innocent. Don't let that deter you from enjoying the game. The number one reason why

I like adult cartoons is that they inevitably make fun of the stereotype I embody. It's usually accurate and

I get a nice, healing burst of laughter out of the deal.


More images to come.







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