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A Public Service Announcement?

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 Hardly, what kind of name is PSA Games anyway?

Some desperate attempt from an indie-game developer to 

leech of the popularity of something else? Eh, maybe.


 While you are figuring out what PSA stands for, I would like to 

announce that 'we' have a playable demo for our up and *coming*

game, "How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Enjoy the

End of the World". You can go enjoy that demo right now by

clicking the "Demos" button at the top of your screen. Just as long as you are old enough for adult humor, adult language, 

adult situations and poorly drawn, cartoony gore. Not rated X...

Well, at least not yet. Does anyone want it to be rated X?


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HILTSWAETEOTW (see game title above) is a 'traditional'

JRPG with a few dashes of survival-horror thrown in for good measure. Relax, the game doesn't have any jump-scares. The SR

element we borrowed is the idea of having a gun as your primary

weapon and being forced to conserve ammo. This does make for a more "nail biting" experience. Sure, you have the typical melee weapons, such as knives, but they hardly do any damage. They're better off used to finish off a foe.


Which is why we, or I, chose to implement having enemies show the damage you have done. This will help you gauge when it is a good time to save on bullets or skills then let em' have it with your crowbar. Again, the gore is so cartoony, may as well not even call it gore.


The story itself is a parody/satire of global events since the infamous "Rona Shutdown". Except, in this game you get demons and such to fight against. It probably wouldn't be fun for the player to go around shooting at viruses now, would it? The story satirizes popular, er, unpopular conspiracy "theories", such as the idea that a small number of people control the world from behind the scenes and well.... do, "things" to children for shits and giggles. So, if you don't like the idea of retired skeletons touching your children... "there", this might be the game for you. (Go play the demo)


 We don't wanna spoil much. The game is still about a year or so away from release. We intend to release it on Steam, so long as they are cool with the "controversial" content. Hey, adult cartoons get away with such blasphemy all the time. We sure hope this is still a two-way street. That whole idea of "we get to do this but, you are not allowed to do it" is getting real old, real fast, isn't it?


 Hopefully, we can generate enough interest in the project to get

some investors behind it. If we don't have an income soon, the

chances of us becoming homeless is quite high considering that

our landlords decided to double the rent during an economic collapse. We're already working out of "mom's basement" as it is.


 Even without monetary support, they game will eventually get finished. Our one and only employee has been homeless before and still managed to be creative everyday. It is just too bad laptops don't like being outside and libraries aren't open 24/7. In other words, the game will get finished, it just might take a lot more time.


Please, Naked Blue-Skinned Lady! 


Please, answer our prayers!


Donation Button and Social Media Links below!


Thanks, and have a great rest of your day!





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