How I Learned to Stop Worrying
And Enjoy The End of The World
(Free Demo)
May require RGSS-RTP Standard
Version for XP
To Play The Demo, Click on the "Download" Button Above
This is a free-to-play demo of my upcoming RPG,
"How I Learned to Stop Worrying And Enjoy The End of The World"
which should be available for sale sometime in 2022. For now,
it is only available for play on Windows. So, feel free to download
the demo for your enjoyment. The demo comes with a handy
"Readme" file to help get you started.
The demo is actually from a part of the full game that takes place in the middle of the story. Not to worry, there isn't anything here that should spoil the first part of the game for ya.
Oh, and just a WARNING......
This game, at least for now, does contain adult language,
adult themes, adult situations, cartoonish gore, sick humor,
and some truly dark themes. So, if you are a minor or just
can't stand to face reality, you might want to go play
something else instead. I recommend a puzzle game.
If you have any issues with the download or game content,
feel free to email me using the contact button at the top of
this page. I would love to hear from you. If you just want to shower me with positive affirmation because muh game cracked you up, you can email me for that reason as well. We all can
use some light in this soupy darkness.
If you are an investor or someone who just wants to throw
a donation my way to keep this thing afloat, feel free to
email me in a fashion that was previously described and
I will get with you as soon as possible.
"Only *You* can prevent 'Homelessness'" -Some Guy